If your personal coloring favored the colors in a Colortime™, this is definitely your palette. If your personal coloring was split between two Colortimes, go with Sunlight. Sunlight is a balanced combination of Sunrise and Sunset, so it’s a no-fail compromise. You may decide later that you have an emotional attachment to one palette, but more about this later. Stick to Sunlight for now. After analyzing the preferences of thousands of people I learned that the palette that people choose in answer to Question One is likely to be the one that they choose in Questions Two, Three, and Four as well. Most people discover that the Colortime™ palette which includes the colors of their complexion, eyes and hair is typically their favorite. Your natural color sense draws you to these colors. If you feel unsure, take the quiz again and make certain that you chose the right colors for your eyes, hair and complexion tones. Check your eye color first in good light. You may discover colors in your eyes you’ve never seen before. For example, brown-eyed people are often amazed when I point out the green in their eyes. Take the time to really study yourself. Look at the undertones in your complexion and hair. There is likely a lot more color contained within your hair eyes and complexion than you had ever thought.
If you are finding it hard to be objective, enlist the help of another. It’s often easier when someone else helps your judge your own coloring. If two out of the three personal colorings, such as your eyes and hair, are in one of the palettes, you can feel assured that it is your palette. If you color your hair, use your natural hair color on the list, or the color closest to that on the list.
Look at the clothes in your closet. Since you do most of the choosing most of the colors will be in your Colortime™. The colors that we wear are typically an extension of the colors that flatter our own personal coloring. If you chose the same Colortime™ palette in every question, you should have little trouble choosing colors because you have a strong affinity for the particular Colortime™ palette that you chose — Sunrise, Sunligt or Sunset. You will feel your absolute best when you wear and use the colors in that Colortime™. Since you have this strong pull in one direction, you might be somewhat inflexible in decisions involving someone in another Colortime™.
What happens if you chose different palettes for what you prefer in your closet versus your home? This just means that you could be content to “dress” your surroundings in a different Colortime™ from the one in which you dress yourself. Is it possible to favor two Colortime™ palettes equally? The answer to that question is yes! You could probably be happy using any of the Colortime™ palettes. You are probably easy to work with due to your flexibility but might find it hard to decide which palette to use and where. Extra freedom of choice can mean extra confusion for choosing your own personal Colortime™ palette but actually be helpful when selecting the appropriate palette for another.
If you personally favor two palettes it is best to choose the palette that contains your personal coloring and stay with it most of the time — it is more flattering and you look best in that palette. If you have a favorite color from another Colortime™, there are ways to integrate that color into your own personal applications in clothing and makeup. One of the most important things I have learned about color is that rules and categorizations are never so rigid that they cannot be adapted to your or your clients needs. If you already have a real sense of color you’ll find that this course helps you understand why you choose the colors you do. If you are a professional who deals with color, it may open new avenues of thinking–such as how to deal more objectively with your clients.
Did you choose all of three Colortimes for all of the answers? You are the kind of person who says, “I love colors!” Just like a kid in a candy store you may want “two of those” and “three of these.” This may be a conundrum when trying to assess your own Colortime™ palette but will serve you well when ascertaining the palette of another. If, after taking the quiz for your own personal Colortime™, you are having difficulty and simply cannot decide which pleases you personally the most, then go with the Sunlight Colortime™. This palette is a happy compromise and since your own coloring is likely to be so varied that you find it dificult to determine which palette is yours, you may belong right in the middle, with the balance of AM and PM colors in Sunlight. The Sunlight palette overlaps with both the Sunrise and Sunset palettes and offers a wide, but more subtle, range of choices.
Do Colortime choices ever change? In some people they do, in others they remain constant over a lifetime. Coloring may change as you age. Hair may start to gray and soften. Complexion may (but not always) start to pick up more yellow with age. Eyes do fade, but that can be an advantage because the undertones then begin to come through, and more color options can be introduced into wardrobe. Someone might be born a Sunrise and loved many of this palette’s bright shades as a child and young adult. But as nature ages and softens their coloring, they may want to switch to the softer Sunlight palette. Then again, coloring may remain fairly constant, especially if they color their hair and in that case they can continue to wear the same colors they wore when younger.
Don’t let the existence of many different types of coloring in each Colortime™ act to confuse you. There are light, medium and dark colorations in each palette. All you need to do is to look at the closest descrition of hair, complexion and eyes in each Colortime™ to come up with the right combination. Within each racial or ethnic group, there are many variations. All skin tones have a variety of undertones which need to be considered when selecting a Colortime™ palette. Dark skin can have undertones of blue-black to rosy, honey, or light brown. Asian personal coloring may fall into any of the three palette as well. From blue-black hair and eyes, with cool green olive undertones of Sunrise; others have the deep but very warm hair and eye coloring nd warm olive skin of Sunset. A mixed-racial background may fall into the Sunlight palette. Ruddy or florid complexions may also be found in all three Colortimes so basing a selection on hair and eye color may be the best way to select the right palette. For example, florid skin is typically found in redheads or readheads who have gone gray. If the eyes and hair have warm undertones, even if the skin is flushed, they would fall into the Sunset palette.
This quiz is a teaching exercise and starting point for a Colortime™ analysis. Once you understand the system, you will be able to ascertain the best color choices for whomever and however your services are employed. It is important to remember that there are no right or wrong answers to any questions in the quiz. You cannot make a mistake in choosing a Colortime™ palette, since choices are a question of personal, natural reactions. Nobody is to be placed inside a little color cubicle and told not to stray. Color can be subjective and personal. Likes and dislikes are always taken into consideration upon determining palettes. The Colortime™ palettes are always guidelines and adjustments can be made based upon your own and your client’s desires. You should never presume to tell a client what their Colortime™ palette is without first asking them how they feel about certain colors. Personal experiences greatly impacts an individuals attraction to color, aversions or perceptions of particular colors. The quiz is a tool to help an individual learn which colors are the best choice for them.